Friday 17 January 2014

Final Fantasy 12 aka Episode 4: A New Hopelessness

Well it's been an experience, Final Fantasy 12, is one of the worst iterations of this series I have ever played. I'm not kidding. When I bitched about 10.2 I didn't tell you my secret. I actually like 10.2, I am being 100% serious with you, but this garbage is unredeemable. Do you wanna know where to start okay, let's start with the game's plot. A small country is taken over by an evil empire, and a young boy rises up to fight the empire, by saving a princess with a smuggler and his animalistic partner, as well as being taught the ways of knighthood from an elderly knight, wait a minute hold up, don't you think this sounds, very familiar.
Oh yeah, it's fucking Star Wars.I'm not kidding, first we have Vaan a street urchin, longing to leave his home to join with the rebels to fight against the empire, and Ashe, a princess captured by the empire who hides the secret location of the rebel base. Hmmm...

We have the princess' love interest, a smuggler and his animalistic partner who happens to fly an airship and wield a crossbow.
We also come to the disgraced knight who has stay hidden from the empire.

and lastly Penelo, okay she doesn't fit so well, so let's call her C3P0- no she's far too useless.
Luckily she has virtually no influence on the plot other than being kidnapped, then again neither does the main hero, Vaan, he does nothing for the plot what so ever. Oh I forgot this game's Vader, I present to you the evil Gabranth.

Need I say more. Okay so more importantly, how does it play. Well unlike other Final Fantasy games you fight the enemies in real time, on the field, however, you can only attack once your atb meter is filled, meaning you just stand there, well you can run around, but it doesn't stop the enemy missing at all, they can bite you from several feet away. Meaning you get the downsides of an action rpg, but none of the positives which make action rpgs good. 
You can control the non leader characters by swapping out at any time or if your leader dies and the cpu will fight for you with the other characters either randomly or with player selected attack groups. And the problem with the game having no random battles is that levelling up is a giant pain having to run out of areas back and forth to fight enough enemies to level up. And trust me you need a lot of experience points as well as license points.
Now to enemies, Final Fantasy is known to palette swap enemies, but I'm not sure on this scale, here's how many versions of the wolf there are:
  • Wolf
  • Alpha Wolf
  • White Wolf 
  • Worgen
  • Alpha Worgen
  • Silver Lobo
  • Hyena
  • Alpha Hyena
  • Hellhound
  • Tartarus
  • Cerberus
  • Kaiser Wolf
  • Lindbur Wolf
  • Wary Wolf
  • Thextera
Oh yes I forgot License points, these allow you to use certain items or spells, now while this seems like a good idea, there is a huge glaring problem with it and it's quite simple, why is armour locked here.
I mean allowing uses of certain spells and GFs, fine, but my character is officially too stupid to put on a hat unless he learns how to do so through the board. Our heroes everyone, our champions, too stupid to put on a helmet. I'm surprised they aren't running around naked, or are they just dressed cause someone gave them some help.
Another problem with the license board is that with enough points spent in other areas, all characters can be exchangeable which can be good when you realise the smuggler Balthier is the game's real hero. Seriously what is it with Square, in 10, Tidus is meant to be the hero, but that is really Yuna, have they forgotten how to write heroes.
As well as GF's or Espers sorry, your characters each have Limit Breaks, I mean Quickenings.
No not that quickening. Each Quickening gives you a time limit of 2 minutes at most with three selectable quickenings, the more powerful, the more energy it uses. 

Another problem with the game is the 'mark' system, basically you go all bounty hunter and go kill shit.
No, not like that, monsters will appear at certain times or weathers and you kill them, except they end up more powerful than the actual main game's enemies and good luck getting to appear when certain weather is involved, oh it needs rain, back and forth until it happens time. Oh and the main villain Vayne, is barely seen, you're basically just told he is evil, go kill and given barely any motivation to do so. But yeah he's our pretty boy emperor. 

So ultimately, it has a hero who barely fits the plot and a villain who barely fits the plot, a dodgy battle system that I'd argue is the WORST and the license board sucks balls. This game is wretched. I give it...
One and a half chocobos out of ten. I'm TheJoelMH and I'm taking a break from Final Fantasy, I think it's time for an Atari game. Well if I'm not getting threatening notes from a certain fairy.
I know it's you Navi, you think you can scare me, you think you can take me, you tiny speck. 

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