Tuesday 30 December 2014

Saturday 27 December 2014

10 More Pokemon that should Mega Evolve

Okay So when I talked about Pokemon that should Mega Evolve before, ORAS gave us one of those, Pidgeot, so here's 10 more who could do with a mega evolution:

Monday 22 December 2014

Top 5 Snow and Ice Levels in Video Games

Merry Christmas everybody, so what can we all say about christmas, well there's snow, let's look outside, shall we...
Okay not so much anyway... here's a top 5 snow and ice levels.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Upcoming Deadpool movie

Okay so the test footage for the Deadpool movie came out and it's awesome and I'm going to have to make an apology... an apology to Ryan Reynolds. The sheer badness of that movie is legendary, it can send an insomniac to sleep, no really it actually did. Anywhere the new trailer, down below, I'm The Joel MH signing off.