Wednesday 2 April 2014

Anime Review: Space Dandy

What I like anime, you find this surprising fucking how. Well I thought it was about time I look at some anime. Of course when a parallel universe you who happens to be a Homo Feline.
Yeah that crashes on your sofa, what do you do?
Ask you your name, see we're so in sync, let me guess it's Mr Snuggles, ooh don't tell me, it's Schrodinger, no no I got this...
You know you remind me a lot of Meow from Space Dandy.
Space Dandy is a dandy guy in space, not only a good description but the actual words the narrator uses.

Joining him is his 2 man... no cat alien Meow or his actual name is a series of cat noises so Meow'll do, Meow being a lazy layabout more interest in his smartphone and well women, I guess he's hanging around with the right guy and joining them is a... vacuum cleaner robot named QT, who is the straight guy... most of the time.

Their mission is to find aliens that no one's ever seen before travelling in the ship the Aloha Oe. I never said this show was logical, oh and Space Dandy only does this to get enough money to go to his favourite restaurant, I'm sorry I mean Breastaurant, Boobies. I am not kidding.
Of course chasing them is the Gogol Empire ,lead by Admiral Perry, you wanna see him, you know it won't fit the name.

I know right, name totally doesn't fit and he has a monkey man named Dr. Gel chase down Dandy for some not really explained reason, I must point out the show is not yet finished right now, but yeah and working with Dr. Gel is a scientist who looks like a cucumber, what the hell and they always try to catch Dandy but never really well ever get close and Dandy never even notices he's there.

Wait hold on a minute, what does the flagship Dr Gel uses look like...
Wait a minute Gogol empire, I see what you did there.
So does the anime make sense... not really. The main cast can be killed or turned into zombies one episode and next one they're back to normal like nothing happened and it's never mentioned again, or QT becomes gigantic with the power of love, surfing through space, it's just nonsense, but it's fun nonsense.
So should you watch it... yes if you have the immature mind of a teenager like I do, if not then it's not for you, it's really really not.
So, what are you even doing Iohel, please don't tell me it's another multiverse threat that's going to destroy all life in the multiverse, I've already got enough trouble last time.

Oh okay, WAIT WHAT!?

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