Friday 11 April 2014

Top 5 Things I will NEVER Review

Now, as a reviewer of games and now anime, there a lot of things that'll grab my attention, but here are the five things I will categorically NEVER review, EVER!!

5. Death Note
Why would I never review this... well I've seen like one episode and I cannot judge a show based on one episode, otherwise I'd have to judge Doctor Who on that shitty Love and Monsters episode, plus I don't want to get murdered by Death Note's rabid fanbase.

4. Call of Duty Games
Why would I never review COD games, why that's easy, these are games are all virtually the same, and besides the internet has already tore these things a new one dozens of time already.

3. Final Fantasy 7
Why, because you do realise what the fanbase'll do to me if I do. The last guy who dissed the game had his car messed with.
You see, I'm not risking it.

2. Mecha Anime
This is an easy reason, I just don't like Mecha, okay let me be clear, there is one Mecha that I MIGHT review which is Evangelion, but everything else, I just don't care and therefore I wouldn't be able to sit through them no matter how good or bad and therefore I wouldn't give a decent review, so I won't waste your time.

I REALLY HATE THIS FUCKING GAME! And no not for any reason, I just really don't like it, I just think it looks shit, and yes I am aware of the link on my page to Jordach who does minecraft stuff, but he's my little brother so I have to do him a solid, but honestly, dear god I hate Minecraft, it's Lego for people to lazy to clean up the bricks afterwards and the difference is that Lego is cool, I'm The Joel MH and if you ever ask for any of these to be reviewed... well...

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