Sunday 30 March 2014

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate HD

Yes, mam. Okay I know that my counterpart looked at Castlevania Lords of Shadow last time, but he didn't really touch on the dlc attached. Okay I normally don't judge a game based on dlc as a game can be awesome but it's dlc suck so much ass, they become more ass than man. Coming with Lords of Shadow's complete edition was chapter 13 and 14 of the story and a whole another game called Mirror of Fate. This also appeared on 3ds but this is the HD version for the 360 I'm reviewing here just to be clear.
Simon Belmont

The game opens with a prologue or training level with Gabriel Belmont where he traps a demon before becoming Dracula which then leads into Simon Belmont's story, Alucard's story and lastly Trevor Belmont. Yes, this game is a remake of Castlevania 1 and 3 to fit with the Lords of Shadow universe. Why not Simon's quest, because as we all know it sucked the balls of constipated llama. The story begins with Simon Belmont entering Castle Dracula to defeat the lord of darkness whose path will cross with Alucard and his story followed by the events that happened before the first two stories.


Trevor Belmont

The game plays like the classic Metroidvania style Castlevania games. You don't know what that means well let me explain. The game is a 2d brawler where you cannot enter certain areas you pass until you get a more powerful item where you go back and use said item which advances the story. Hidden in all 3 stories are health, magic and item powerups which carry over between the stories, so in other words, max health pickups in simon's story will not fill the health bar but all 3 stories combined will fill it, however it's good to get these as well as the scrolls which give story elements as all of these are needed for the perfect ending to appear. And just like the classic Castlevania games you fight with a whip, throwing items which change depending on the story such as throwing axes for simon, bats for alucard and boomerangs for Trevor and two sets of magic which again are different for the characters. While Trevor has the same magic system as Gabriel in the first Lords of Shadow, Simon has the ghost of his mother which blocks attacks and the ghost of a knight who attacks with a crossbow, while Alucard can turn into mist and a wolf.
The game also includes a bestiary like Lords of Shadow but you have to unlock each monster by finding the bestiary cards hidden in the levels which you usually cannot find until the monster has been slain once so, not really helpful as this includes bosses, which are few, as each story only has 3 bosses,making a total of 9, well Trevor has 4, but 2 are the same boss. The game also has a boss rush mode once you beat the game like well other Castlevania games. I will say this, this arcade game is far more enjoyable than the core Lord of Shadows game. So yeah pick this up on either 3ds or XBLA.
That I am a vampire, a creature of the night forever unable to bare sunlight ever again.
But that's impossible, unless, unless, I'm a daywalker, I'm Blade. COOL!

Or that I suppose.... Yeah I'm Blade.

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