Sunday 27 April 2014

Avatar: The Burning Earth XBOX360

Like I promised, today we look at The Burning Earth for the Xbox 360.

The story of the Burning Earth is ripped directly from the show's second season. Ah the show, well if you haven't seen it, here's a summary. The Last of the Airbenders Aang is also the Avatar.
The Avatar is the one being who can wield all four elements well once he's taught and that is the theme of the series, the first season he seeks out a water master, season 2 the one in question, an earth master and season 3, a fire master. Travelling with him is Katara, a water bender...
and her wisecracking powerless brother Sokka.
And joining them in that season is blind earthbender, Toph.

Saying being blind doesn't define Toph would be a lie, rather it kinda makes her awesome since she does so much kung fu and launches earth attacks. Of course you may notice she's barefoot, well she reads the earth through her feet and you may have twigged that she is my favourite character in the series.

The Art style is Animeish, the show in question is kind of an anime, well it has an anime style, but it was made in America and isn't really Anime due to this. The graphics are that cell shaded style like the Naruto and Dragonball games, but nowhere near as good, I mean it's not unbearable, but it is flawed.
Though who thought it was a good idea having cutscenes where the characters speak but with no mouth movement whatsoever. In fact the graphics look like they belong on PS2 or original Xbox and that is not excusable.

Now I normally wouldn't bring these up as a section but this game has a grand total of 5 achievements and here they are thanks to
Do you know how quickly I got all of these achievements, well 5 Minutes, seriously a perfect game in 5 minutes, none of the achievements are story based and if you're not an Avatar fan you'd only play the gamer for the easy G, in fact I've seen this thing go out as a rental several times just for this reason, they are painfully easy, seriously level 1, hammer the B button to launch Aang's long range air attack and do nothing else, you can't lose.

The gameplay is an average platformer with puzzles based around moving boxes and bending powers, you use Aang to blow fans, Katara to make ice bridges over gaps and Sokka to use his boomerang to hit switches and these puzzles repeat A LOT! The combat is nothing more than button mashing and QTE's, in other words more button mashing and the enemy AI is retarded.

 Oh and every gamers worst enemy, the camera makes it's a nightmare in some places to even play and story wise the game fails to give any backstory to those who would be experiencing the Avatar series for the first time.

Now it's true there are some flying sections as well where you fly on the giant flying white bull thing called Appa and you fly down set paths to new locations by flying through rings, and we all know how good it is to fly through rings.
But outside of story mode there aren't really any other modes except for playing the ring sections again and boss rush mode, but why would you want to bother anyway. In other words, that other Avatar game....
Yeah that one, is better and I'm not even a fan of James Cameron's one.

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