Friday 6 June 2014

Timesplitters Retrospective Part 1: Goldeneye and Perfect Dark

Hello I'm the Joel MH and who's heard of David Doak?

Yes, Mr Doak is the founder of the late great Free Radical, a dev team responsible for the legendary series of games known as Timesplitters. David Doak began his career working for Rare providing network support for Donkey Kong Country 3, and helping create two of the greatest shooters OF ALL TIME! Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

What to say about this game, it's fucking Goldeneye, you know what it is, I know what it is, the whole goddamn world knows what it is. It's the game that invented awesome fps multiplayer, the best movie game ever made as well, not much else can be said about it. Though it is a shame they didn't do more movie games, who knows we could of had a kickass Mad Max game.
I'm sorry I'm just finding it hard to get BEYOND THUNDERDOME, BOOOM!
Anyway you know Goldeneye might not of been a first person shooter, Nintendo originally wanted a platformer like Donkey Kong Country, good god, you imagine if that happened?
Oh yeah that happened. But did you also know that the legendary multiplayer we all know and love was an after thought, Nintendo never asked for it to be in the game and Rare got in trouble over it, yeah, imagine that....

Perfect Dark
The original Perfect Dark and not it's shitty prequel and yes it's day is coming. Perfect Dark is the spiritual sequel to Goldeneye, set in the future, around Joanna Dark and basically we have an excellent story mode that surpasses Goldeneye centered around warring alien races, an evil corporation and a spy in a skintight leather costume, what look at it.
Anyway,  it's multiplayer on the other hand, well it's good, it's in fact awesome, what were you expecting a negative comment, well suck it loser, cause there isn't one. With this multiplayer you can be a real Master Blaster. Sorry but I promise these jokes will go BEYOND THUNDERDOME, TWO TIMES MOTHERFUCKERS!! Now Goldeneye had Oddjob and this game had Elvis, if you don't know what I mean, you've never heard of the Oddjob rule. In other words, no short asses as they are difficult to hit, hmm I wonder if Timesplitters has something like that...
So why did I bring up Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, well because without them, we would have no Timesplitters, they are the foundations for the series. So basically tommorrow unless some B.S. happens, we'll continue the Retrospective with Timesplitters 1. 

I'm The Joel MH signing off!

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