Saturday 1 March 2014

Top 5 DC Superheroes who need a Videogame

What it's a non pokemon related top 5, it's possible, fine. Here's a Pikachu.

5. Green Arrow
This one is a no brainer, you want a game with good long bow fighting, take one look at the Tomb Raider reboot, make something like this, maybe mix in some Batmanning.

4. Raven
The dark magic wielding member of the Teen Titans whose father is essentially the devil. So how would this character work in a game, easy, you make a horror adventure game with a fighting system similar to Bayonetta or Devil May Cry minus the guns of course and you know magic attacks instead of regular weapons.

Raven is a character whose spotlight has been tarnished of late by fucking Teen Titans Go! Make her badass D.C.

3. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
The Time travelling detectives in a bromance as crazy as say...
So how could you make a game around these two, easy, you go a route you wouldn't expect with their crazy adventures, you go the telltale route. Seriously a detective adventure through time involving these two would work best as a Telltale point and click, come on we've gotten Fables as a game in the form of the Wolf Among Us, so this is the natural next step guys.

2. The Flash
The Fastest Man alive, how could he be in a game, how could he work, hmm, something that runs through a level at high speed, hmm, never heard of a game like that.
You want this to work you take this game and rework it!
Saints Row 4's super power system is the finest in video game history, no game has handled super powers better than this.

I'm not kidding just look at other superhero games and they don't even fucking compare, hell the star superhero game is frigging Batman, the guy WITHOUT SUPERPOWERS. Wolverine origins is very good, but Saints Row 4 is better.
So here's the question, why not Superman or Aquaman, well they already have games and let's look at those abominations:
Aquaman Battle for Atlantis (Gamecube)
Superman 64 (Nintendo 64)

I'm The Joel MH, signing off, and someone make a Wonder Woman game, god dammit, WONDER WO-MAN!

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