Friday 31 October 2014

Evil Dead: Regeneration

Happy Halloween everybody!

So what have I got for you my children! Oh the Pikachu me, oh he's being kept distracted.
The game opens up with the end of Evil Dead 2 as Ash has to fight his way out the cabin in the woods with one difference, he doesn't fall into that time portal for Army of Darkness, it's an alternate take, hell he becomes evil Ash in the training.
The game truly starts as Ash in an insane asylum, turns out the cops found Ash in the woods after he slaughtered all of his former friends. But it turns out the asylum's head doctor, Doctor Reinhard has taken the book and the professor's diary and raises a Deadite army and you're only assistance is the professor's ghost and a half deadite little person.
Oh and his special use is to kick him at things, oh and if he dies, he comes back again and again without end so, time to play Kick the undead midget extreme!
 video by Questos Ravenbrew
You have a wide arsenal of weapons, starting with a handgun to the boomstick and chainsaw to weapons far more powerful like the flamethrower, the bomb lance or even the Harpoon gun. Evil Dead Regeneration is a third person action game, sort of like Devil May Cry. The one downside is that your weapons later on are way overpowered and even though you have a combo system seen in a lot of action games, you won't need it later in the game when the weapons get overpowered.
The camera work in the game works pretty well as does the auto targeting, it's not something I can complain about. Sam is though for 2 reasons, Sam is needed to reach certain targets but sometimes he gets in a fight and you can't summon him to solve the problem which pisses you off because you have to go save his ass first, ESCORT MISSION!! The other is when the game makes you play him to solve puzzles, yes because we want to play this guy and not fucking Bruce Campbell and by the way that is Bruce Campbell not an impersonator. Ash does have his own puzzles too and in general puzzles are repetitive and the bosses are fairly easy, though so is the game as general if that's a big problem for you.

The game has you travel to various locations such as a graveyard, swamp, a temple and a... shipyard. Random.
But weapons isn't the only thing in Ash's Arsenal, no he has the power to become Evil Ash and wreck shit up as... I'm gonna have to say it.
Oh and this game loves gore, well of course it does, it's Evil Fucking Dead. Hell you get finishing move cutscenes which make you invincible from the other enemies.
Of course the voice work is spectacular, I mean it's Bruce Campbell and left to their own devices Sam and Ash argue with one such conversation ending with Ash saying, "Hey, how the hell do I say shut up in dead midget?". So overall the game has it's issues, but it has it's positives. Basically Bruce Campbell is the one thing keeping this game from being average. Haunter!
Oh well done motherfucker sending that toaster, I knew you were coming, and Guess what, I know that a white lantern can kill you.
True, but White Lanterns create life, and I have something else that can do that... GO XERNEAS!!!
Xerneas, it's time to take out that Black Lantern
Oh I got that multiverse portal tech working, I sent him to the worst, most nightmarish universe in all of creation.

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