Sunday 9 November 2014

The Legend of Korra: The Video Game

So a short while ago there was a Legend of Korra game released for download. So is it any better than the last Avatar game I reviewed, well.... yes actually. But does it have it's problem... well yeah.
While the show is known for it's incredibly intelligent plots, that doesn't treat it's viewers like idiots, reduced to wizard bad, he take your powers, get them back, kill wizard. Yet this was supposedly penned by the show's writers, which ones, the coffee boy who passes suggestions to the writers for ideas.
I'm just saying somebody might of gotten fired for that one. Anyway...
The story follows Korra, just Korra mind you, oh you get Jinora giving you advice and you work with Bolin and Mako during probending but beyond that no other Avatar characters appear which is a huge shame. Now Probending if you've seen the show is where 2 teams hurl their elemental powers at the others attempting to knock the other team off a platform suspended above a pool of water. You both start in the middle and knock them back across different zones and you knock the whole team back a zone, you can go forward towards them further into that team's zone and if you fail to knock each other off in the time limit it goes to sudden death on a much smaller platform between 2 players and in the game this work's exactly the same.
Talk about attention to detail. Anyway after one game Korra gets kidnapped, what again? Seriously she's just shy of sharing the same cell as Geordie from Star Trek and Princess Peach. Anyway she escapes to find her bending is missing and having to fight with pure kung fu until she finds a way to unlock all four powers, Water, Earth, Fire and Air.
Okay now the combat is excellent allowing you to switch powers on the fly allowing you to generate giant combos while attacking several enemies at once and the more you attack the more powerful you get as the power meter grows and you also gain experience taking you up to Level 10 allowing for your elements to get even more powerful allowing you to juggle small armies at once.

However the enemy variety is very small as for most of the game you fight the same goons over and over and repeatedly fight the same giant robot bosses even including some repeating QTE takedowns. I mean kudos for Platinum games here, but the fights in Bayonetta were far more varied, but the ones we do get are very very good, except when the game buttfucks you by getting beaten on over and over without a chance of recovery leading to completely unfair deaths.

I mean there are powerups and new moves you can buy to help with this, as everytime you kill an enemy or find a treasure you collect spirit energy which you trade for say a crystal that allows you to go into the unstoppable but not invincible Avatar form. Oh treasure, well you find chests and you have to smash them open usually with corresponding elements usually behind gates of the same element bullshit. The chests give you a random treasure with a rank and that rank dictates how much spirit energy you win and these items do nothing but add towards an achievement. Well they are all Avatar references to Korra and Last Airbender, so that's something.
Items of course can be set to the control pad, some automatically activate like a talisman that cuts health by half but doubles xp and others are manual like the ability to unleash your avatar form earlier than you usually can. Now I have left one thing out, there are sections where you can ride Naga, Korra's polar bear dog creature.
During these sections you run through the streets on Naga's back avoiding cars, rocks and walls depending on the level at high speed. You can also use your elemental powers here when you unlock them. Water creates a barrier, Earth allows you to double jump, fire shoots a fireball and Air allows you to run at super fast speed and glide through the air. These sections are very fun and quite tricky at first but get easier when you unlock powers.
So overall the game is okay, it's fighting system is excellent but broken at times and the story is virtually non existant, and while the characters aren't there, it follows the lore very very well, but the game is short, only 4 hours long for the first playthrough, so the final score is....
I'm The Joel MH and I'm about to go Earthbend the guy who thought 4 hours was acceptable.

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