Wednesday 27 November 2013

Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse

Hi I'm TheJoelMH fighting giant chickens for your sins.

Now what can I say about this game, well if we're gonna do this, let's at least start with some positives. Brian is still alive and not replaced with this smuck.
So why did Brian die... hmm... didn't The Simpsons say they were going to kill off a main character at the end of the current series (my money is on Marge by the way and no I don't hate her), but more than likely Family Guy has done this to beat The Simpsons to a punch, come on would it really surprise anyone if this was the reason and if it is, that is kinda really stupid and speaking of stupid, the game.

Family Guy BTTM is an odd sort of game, well, would could imagine Family Guy as... if you guessed RPG you'd be wrong, if you guessed platformer, you now owe me 10 bucks and trust me, I know a guy who'll enforce that...
So yeah it's a third person shooter, cause Family Guy screams Third Person Shooter, but then again, this show doesn't really scream video game does it.
Anywho the plot dictates that Bertram, Stewie's evil half brother appears (though an alternate universe version) stating that a world where he is dead and Stewie is alive is unacceptable and so tells Stewie and Brian that he is going to build an army from across the multiverse to kill him. So supervillain mess up number one and it's up to Brian and Stewie using all sorts of weapons including ordinary guns to blasters, freeze rays, rpgs and rocket launchers to save the day, as well as bottles of Ipacac.
Anywho... Brian and Stewie go across varying worlds such as Frat Boy World, Amish World, Evil Duplicates world and Evil Santa world to name a few. And I must admit these levels can be kinda funny especially with the whole level based around to try and assassinate Mayor McCheese with a sniper rifle.
So what does it play like ... An average third person shooter, and the aiming could be better. Each level contains it's own style of enemies depending on the level's designs, for example the Frat Boy level has you fight Frat Boys while the Santa level has you fight his elves. Though I did forget the cripple world with the boss, oh you all know who it is. This game is designed with co-op in mind, though it can be played single player though with the characters swapping in and out of play. But you know when I earlier I said this game was funny, I didn't lie for the most part, but this game as a habit of using old jokes, voice literally ripped from an episode of the show which is really cheap, fucking lazy and comes off as poor as Will Smith's nice clean rap.
Though the new jokes the game does do, can be well, beyond the show for disgustingness such as great lines from Frat World Lois, such as "Any of you boys ever finish on a C-section scar", followed by, "I can't have babies anymore so fill me up fellas". Excuse me just a second.

I'm better now, okay, where was I, oh yes. The levels have a habit of dragging on as they're only reason for being played is humor and they outlast their welcome and the games basic tactic is basically shoot and you win with very little requiring any actual strategy. Though there is a level which breaks this where you switch to Peter and... look do I even need to say it, just know it's really good.
The game has two other features a multiplayer mode and a challenge mode. The challenge mode asks you to do challenges within a time limit as an infinite hoard comes for you and I'll say this now, unleash you are playing with one other person or more, it's impossible, the game's challenge without buddies is as difficult as getting Matthew Mcconaughey to admit he's a douchebag.

The Multiplayer has a few modes, we have a free for all killing mode and team which are standard in all TPS' as well as capture the flag, I'm sorry, Capture the Greased up Deaf Guy and fight off waves of enemies as a team mode (with limited lives). So in other words the multiplayer is fairly standard allowing you to play as Peter, Lois, Chris, Meg, Quagmire, Cleveland, Mayor West and Death with optional costumes which can be purchased from the in game shop as well as weapons for Brian and Stewie in the main campaign.
And last but not least are the powerups located in both story and mutliplayer. These include the Wackywavinginflatablearmwavingtubeman to stun enemies.
as well as the giant chicken and Joe Swanson who attacks enemies.
But after all this, what can I say about the game. It's funny when it has it's moments, like really funny, but it's levels can run on too long and it has a habit of reusing jokes from the shoe, not tributes but the same jokes, but if seen in a bargain bin, I wouldn't turn my nose at it, even if it does feel like a cash cow. I'm TheJoelMH getting out of here before I get attacked by any giant chickens.
Signing out!

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