Saturday, 14 November 2015

Why I don't review modern games

Yes, I know it's been a while, well to answer the question why, blame Skyrim and it's millions of mods.

Anywho, I had an interesting question posed to me the other day, why I don't have a modern console, now price one could argue is a good reason, but honestly it boils down to something else entirely. Modern gaming with the exception of Nintendo for the most part is a giant wodge of shit. Now to be fair, there have been good games like Metal Gear Solid V but Batman Arkham Knight's PC port was taken down because it didn't work and several months later, they re-release it and IT STILL DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!
Assassin's Creed Unity and it's endless face glitches...
And do you know what else is full of glitches... Fallout 4
Oh but we're patch it don't worry. See Patching has become a problem, because we can just patch it, we don't have to work hard before release, we'll just repair it later once we got your money and speaking of money and rushing games out, motherfucking Halo 5.
So beyond the story mode's poor decisions, my attention lies with the multiplayer, where is the spiltscreen... gone and where is the forge.... what's that? 6 months, quick question, WHY THE FUCK DOES A CORE PART OF THE GAME TAKE 6 MONTHS TO DEVELOP AS DL FUCKING C! And speaking of DLC, can I get a microtransaction!
Oh and don't you worry, Halo 4 is going to get it's balls in a vice, don't you worry. Microtransactions are getting to be a joke, I mean Nintendo figured out if you limit the amount you can do, you don't piss everyone off, but this is where I need to make an apology about Pokemon Shuffle.
See I praised the game, little did I know that about level 80, the game becomes impossible without piling in the cash like there's no tommorrow, fuck this game! And yes I will get to Pokemon Rumble World and Pokemon Picross when that comes out.
But this is where things get real bad, see Microsoft is rushing things so much that they didn't even safety check their consoles, check out this news story Microsoft is trying super hard to bury. A kid from Arizona had an Xbox One that wouldn't eject disks properly and during his gameplay the disk ejected whilst still spinning at like a hundred miles an hour, shot out and slit his throat, his death is on Microsoft's hand.

So ultimately, why i won't use new consoles, well, I'll either buy a game that is either riddled with microtransactions, glitchy and broken as all hell, or the both combined and the console I'm playing this crap on,may try to kill me, fuck that noise!

Next Time, Halo 4!

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